Graduate Research Internship Program | Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR)


The “Graduate Research Internship Program” (GRIP) at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), is designed for bright, B.E./B.Tech. or Masters in Science or MBBS students to carry out their final year research project work at JNCASR. The project work to be carried out should form part of the degree requirements. The duration of the project work will be for a semester or for an extended duration of up to 1 year depending upon the requirement for the award of degree. 

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Internship Description:

While under normal circumstances, we envisage the application process to start in the month of March, this year (2021), we have been delayed due to Covid-19 and the programme is being launched in September.

Important Dates:

  • 1st September 2021: First Announcement
  • 20th September 2021: Deadline for receiving applications
  • 5th October 2021: Announcement of selected candidates


The program is applicable for students who have just begun or are transitioning to the final year of B.E./B.Tech. or Masters in Science, Integrated M.Sc, B.S-M.S or MBBS.

Selection Process:

  • The selection process will be as follows:
    • A list of the available projects is available for the applicants to browse (click here). 
    • Students will need to note the codes of three projects that are aligned with their interests. 
    • For a given project, one student will be selected among all the applications corresponding to a given project. 
    • The final selection will be based on the academic merit of the student (as relevant to the project) and two letters of reference (template can be downloaded here).
  • Students selected for the program will be required to submit an undertaking (as a part of the application) stating that none of the research carried out at JNCASR will be published or patented independently and the faculty member hosting that specific project at JNCASR will be consulted regarding the outcome of the research.
  • Rs. 5,000/- will be charged as fees for the internship.
  • Accommodation within the campus is currently unavailable due to Covid restrictions.
  • Students are advised to take an appropriate medical insurance policy to cover unforeseen circumstances.


Selected students, in coordination with the respective faculty members, will have the flexibility to choose the mode of the project (online/offline) and the starting and ending dates.


The duration of the internship will be from six months to one year depending on the requirements of the degree and the project.

How to apply:

Check out the OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION before applying.


Apply now!

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